How to Improve Your Health with Deep-Breathing in Four Easy Steps!

How to Improve Your Health with Deep-Breathing in Four Easy Steps!

It's something we do on an average of 20,000 times a day! It costs nothing and it's simple to learn and easy to encompass into your daily routine.


1. Inhale slowly and deeply until your lungs are full.


2. Pause at the end of the intake of breath.


3. Exhale slowly and completely.


4. Pause at the end of the exhalation.

Tips & Warnings

Deep-Breathing oxygenates every cell in your body, from your brain to your vital organs. It stimulates the digestive process and helps improve mental alertness and performance.

When we take deep, full breaths our diaphragms move through it's entire range downward to massage the liver, stomach and other internal organs and upward to massage our hearts. This helps to detoxify the body and promote healthy blood flow.

Slow, deep breathing along with the steady pumping of the abdomen stimulates our nervous system and initializes our "relaxation response." It helps harmonize our body and this has an impact on our overall health.

It's easy, free, and very beneficial, and it's takes very little of your time. Deep-Breathing can drastically improve your health and help you maintain a more care-free, stress-free existence.

But as with everything in the world it can be overdone, a word of caution, practice deep-breathing in moderation. Excessive intake of oxygen can cause hyperventilation, dizziness, or even headaches or fainting.